Sunday, February 7, 2010

Teeth Straightening Operations How Can I Accept My Physical Shortcomings?

How can i accept my physical shortcomings? - teeth straightening operations

I was once a pretty boy, but because of the stress in my life, chaos, I feel prematurely old and I take time to time, such as instant messaging and ensure that they are hard.

I also have a physical deformity due to injury, namely: - crash through walls, explosions of anger, reckless behavior, etc.

I have a sprained finger on my left, which is used to classify the surgeon, so that surgery could not fix or straighten it - that as a result of the injuries occurred by jumping over something.

Nerve damage to my right hand because of a little surprising that it can in the years of anger, the hand looks normal, I use it normally, but said the same surgeon that surgery could not fix, because the nerves are nerves so fine -- Sometimes I feel tightness in the band, I have stitches, when you hit something in anger - he can not hit a heavy bag without pain.

recover my ankle after the tapes were made in the last few months .... still smells .... Insecurity and poor to organize a review of it in the hospitalsL, see how your moves.

This is my profile:

In the 32 years old English white, male, I have blue eyes, olive skin color because of the Mediterranean heritage of the Caucasus "- I'm bald, but still a little hair.

I feel devastated look with age, strong, have put a dark line under the eyes, the missing 2 teeth with a header to crash.

I always was vain, so take care of me these facts.

Tell me how I can learn to live my physical weakness?

or is there a pattern i could buy facial skin in the streets to improve my facial skin?

I'm not as low self-esteem that I did not say that the finding of the physical changes with age, very traumatic.


saryha said...

First, I want to tell you that none of us will stay beautiful forever. I am young and beautiful, but I know and accept that I will not always be so. I will try to age with grace and acceptance. Moreover, all you can do in its current state, it does not seem so on the little finger and nerve damage focus. Hopefully his ankle will heal with fewer complications. Not necessarily wrong with the "rugged" look. So they learn to use. Complecti eyes and an advantage, I think. Try to concentrate on quality. You can Rogaine for hair loss or other products of the regrowth of hair, or try not to focus just on them and work with him. There are many types of hair loss still under consideration and thought attractive. Sleep more to the dark eyes. If this does not work, try it with known eye cream for dark circles. The replacement of missing teeth, if you can afford. With something that the rest of your teeth fit. There are a large majority of people think that the teeth in gold or silver are attractive.

There also seems to have an effect "SLAcquisition of "anger problem. You should talk to someone about it." Things rage drilling is still a no-no for me, and should be for most girls, because it is usually a sign of abusive behavior. No reasonable person wants to face. And you avoid injury as the result itself. Find a constructive way to release tension. Because you can not just a punching bag again, just running, weightlifting, or any other form of exercise. This has two advantages: the release of endorphins, exercise and relaxation in the attempt to the large amount of stress and tension decrease; Excerise build their strength and rely on the appearance of the physical body is more what Another aspect of the body, found in indeed be set at least one obstacle. But do not exaggerate their injuries to heal existing at agrivate.

And hopefully with age that reduced (have completely stopped hopefully) stupid stunts that caused this injury. When I fight again the question of anger and not authorities, ato fight again.

Hope this helps. The advice freely and willingly

Dragon said...

Hello, dear friends

They live with physical disabilities have to accept it.

sarahfor... said...

They need someone in your life you feel incredibly sexy and desirable, then look for the traumatic feeling "bad" is not much, in fact, you will learn to look back and feel confident about their appearance. Some women (assuming you are heterosexual) are attracted by a robust, after all, nobody wants a baby with his face, the robust appearance shows that you achieve in war wounds and is ready for this stage of life.
You can also consider that there are many more less fortunate people, wheelchairs, etc., which are more physical disability, that you and some of them are very happy = D

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